Tips For Sharing Music
In Social Media Networks
Tips For Sharing Music
In Social Media Networks

Within recent years, sharing music through social media websites has blossomed. Such great companies as, Pandora, and Apple revolutionizing our way of consuming music, listening became more meaningful and rich. Social media helps people find, discover and share music in new attractive ways.
Explore some tips of sharing music with friends using web-based tools.

Choose your music web tools. Are you looking for areas to discover new music? Or you want to promote your favourite type of music? If you are an actual musician and want to share your gift with others. Find out what your are looking for and choose resources based on your goals.

Here are some popular music websites: and Pandora - great way of listening to free streaming music. You can use Pandora to add your music to - build your music playlist based on friends taste. You have a possibility to create your own free radio station.

And, finally, if you are an artist looking to share your music with the world, take a look at this: - community for unsigned artists and music professionals. You can listen to and upload your own music. Sell it to your fans. See who's listening to your tracks on the global music map. Take part in competitions.

Another social music services for artists: iLike, The Next Big Sound, TheSixtyOne, MySpace.

Discover music. Try to understand the social media features for discovering new music. Find music you like, choose genre which appeals to you and start creating playlists. Click on the “like” button on or generate your own playlist on iLike to keep track of your likes.

Share your favorite music in social media. - Add more friends to your profile (,, The more friends you have the more people will hear your favourite music. - Start discussions: Ask people about their favourite music, link people to the profile of the band you like on MySpace or R&R World Arena. Share your music via Twitter,Facebook and MySpace friends. - Start connecting music to your FriendFeed - social media aggregator, which imports data from multiple services.

By sharing and listening music via social media, you help bringing great music to thousands of people, what could change an artist's life, create a trend or simply make someone's day a little less stressfull.


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